
Welcome to the study start at the Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology


Dear new student

At this page you can read more about your study start. Remember also to read the elements on the left side. 

Looking forward meeting you!

Best regards
Christian Møller Pedersen

International Day (study start) is Friday the 30th of August at 9 o'clock

Address: Campus Kalundborg 4, 4400 Kalundborg
(If you arrive by train get off at the station Kalundborg East (Øst))

Brush up course in high school math and chemistry in week 34 (19/8 - 23/8)

The course is for free so you can just show up if you find it relevant.

Meeting place:
Professionshøjskolen Absalon, Campus Kalundborg 4, 4400 Kalundborg. Room B1.05

You can read more about the topics of the course here

Introduction days

30st of August

This is the international day where you get a change to meet your fellow students and get a lot of practical information about studying in Denmark and at Absalon. 

Meeting Place: Professionshøjskolen Absalon, Campus Kalundborg 4, 4400 Kalundborg 


Programme Friday the 30st of August

(Changes can occur)

Kl. 09:00-09:30  Welcome to Absalon and breakfast 

Kl. 09:30-11:30  Introduction to studying at Absalon and in Denmark 

Kl. 11:30-12:30  Lunch

Kl. 12:30-15:30  Introduction to the language school



2and of september

This is the day where all the students at campus Kalundborg has their study start. It is going to be a day filled with a lot of information and new people, so make sure to show up fully rested and ready for a day full of fun. 

Your tutors and the staff at campus will introduce you to your studies and the activities at campus. 

We recommend you to bring your computer with you on the first day!

In the afternoon there will be a social event so please bring practical shoes and clothes for that. 

Meeting Place: Professionshøjskolen Absalon, Campus Kalundborg 4, 4400 Kalundborg 


Programme the 2and of september

Kl. 09:00-09:15  Welcome to Absalon 

Kl. 09:15-10:30  Introduction to your studies and get to know your fellow students 

Kl. 10:30-12:00  Star run - get to know campus Kalundborg

Kl. 12:00-13:00  Lunch

Kl. 13:00-16:00  Social event/IDA

Kl. 16:00-?          Social gathering at campus - Absalon provides pizza


15.30                   "Sekond hand bike market"




Your schedule for the first week

Friday 30st of August

Kl. 9.00: Welcome to Absalon

Monday 2and of september 

Kl. 09:00-09:15  Welcome to Absalon
Kl. 09:15-10:30  Introduction to your studies and get to know your fellow students
Kl. 10:30-12:00  Star run - get to know campus Kalundborg
Kl. 12:00-13:00  Lunch
Kl. 13:00-16:00  IDA
Kl. 16:00-?         "Sekond-hand bike market" at Kalundborg Hallernes Parking lot.

                            Social gathering at campus - Absalon provides pizza

Tuesday 3th of september

Kl. 08.30-10.05: General and organic chemistry 
Kl. 10.15-11.50: Mass Balance
Kl. 12.20-13.55: General and organic chemistry (lab)

Wednesday 4th of september

Kl. 10.15-11.50: Project 1
Kl. 12.20-15.40: Mathematics 1

Thursday 5th of september

Kl. 08.15-11.50: General and organic chemistry
Kl. 12.20-13.55: Mass balance

Friday 6th of september

Kl. 08.30-11.50: Project 1
Kl. 12.20-15.40: Mathematics 1
Kl. 16.00-?         Social event at campus and in Kalundborg city

Study start test

To make sure we know that you are an active student at the education and has gotten a good study start we will carry out a study start test in the beginning of the studies. You dont have to be nervous if you there are some eqations you dont remember  - we have plenty of time to catch up on them afterwards.

The test is obligatory to make sure you get to know our rules and regulations.

The study start test is a written test with internal censorship and is graded passed/not passed. The test will be held latest 2 weeks after the study start and you have 2 attempts to pass it. If you do not pass the first attempt we will make sure to place the second attempt rigth after. If you fail both attempts your enrolment to the programme will end.     

Specific details regarding time and place for the study start test will be in the time schedule for the relevant classes. 

The study start test at the bachelor of engineering programmes involve the following elements:

  • Questions about you and the background for your choise of study
  • Questions about general mathematics
  • Questions about general chemistry




Introduction to the programme

The biotechnology study program trains you to become an engineer in the factory of life. Biotechnology is about getting living cells (bacteria, eukaryotes or fungi) to produce or convert substances for the benefit of humans and nature. The product can be e.g. medicine, food, additives or energy.

The process is typically divided into three phases: 

Upstream - Fermentation - Downstream 

In the Upstream phase, the organism is prepared to make it capable of producing the desired substance, e.g. by modifying its DNA.

In the Fermentation phase, we provide the organism with the best possible conditions to produce the substance, e.g. by regulating pH, temperature and its access to nutrients and oxygen. 

In the Downstream phase, we try to isolate the product at the desired concentration through a series of processes.

All courses in the biotechnology program are connected to this fundamental process, some more directly than others.

What do I need to bring?

A good laptop with a well working internet connection is necessary to be able to study at our campus. It has to be so new, that it can run Windows 10. Mac computers, Chromebooks and tablets are not recommended. We have wireless Wi-Fi throughout the campus area.  

You will get access to relevant software programmes during your studies e.g. Office 365 and Python. Before you are confident with these programmes it might be a help for you to bring a calculator or something similar to perfrom basic calculations. Most software that is used in class is for free, but some programmes you will need to buy yourself. 

Besides this it will be relevant to bring paper and pens. 

As part of the programme, you will have to work both in our laboratories and workshops within different scientific fields. On the 1st semester this will involve laboratory work at the course General and organic chemistry. 

In connection with this, it is important that you have a private personal accident insurance that covers practical work in a laboratory. 

It is also important that you have a white long-sleved labcoat, which you always need to wear when you are in the laboratories. There will be an opportunity to get one if you join the trade union IDA, or you can buy one yourself. 

Besides a labcoat you will also need to wear protective glasses in our laboratories. You are responsible of buying your own safety glasses. They must be clear, safety approved (often mentioned as "CE" or "EN 166") and they must have side protection.

If you normally use glasses, you can buy safety glasses that can be worn on top of your own or safety glasses with build in strength like regular glasses. 

Your literature list for the 1st semester

1st semester


Textbook and learning materials 


Project 1 Industrial biotechnology

No textbooks, notes will be handed out 

General and organic chemistry

A. Blackman et al.  "Chemistry" 5th ed. 2023, Wiley


Periodic Table of the Elements /Grundstoffernes periodesystem, 2020, Polyteknisk Forlag


Molecular model building kit (organic chemistry) 



Mathematics 1

E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10th ed. 2011 John Wiley And Sons Ltd 


If you buy the books second hand please be aware that ealier editions might have other page numbers (and content) than written on the literature list.

Check out the literature list for all the semesters here


You are doing your internship at the 6th semester. 

Read more about the internship here

itslearning - Absalons digital learning platform

In itslearning you find your course plan, course material and course activities and are able to communicate with your teachers and fellow students. Moreover you have access to:

  • Studienet where you find all relevant information about your study, your campus, contact information to the student counsellor and study service, IT instructions etc. 
  • Help to find a step by step instructions to itslearning
  • Mail where you have direct access to your study mail. Here you will get important information about your study so remember to check it regularly. 

You will automatically get access to your study room in itslearning 15 days before the teaching start. Your will find your teaching activities in your itslearning calendar. 

Read more her

Annual Plan 2023/24

Get more information about the annual plan here

Get to know your fellow students

Sign up for our discordgroup where you can meet your tutors and get to know your fellow students. 

Do you have any questions?

If you have questions try to look around at our Intranet "Studienet", read the study programme, look at our website or read more here

A description of the content, teaching methods, internship and exams can be found in the course descriptions for the 1st semester. 

The study administration can be contacted by email: 

Do you have questions in relation to speciel support or questions regarding special needs you are welcome to contact the student counselling.

If you have any urgent questions before you start you are welcome to contact the manager of the education Emilie Hjorth Ceylan who will try to answer your email as soon as possible :-)

We look forward seeing you

If you have any questions about your study please contact the study administration at