Working with biological agents and genetically modified organisms
On this page you will find information on how to work with biological agents.
On this page you will find information on how to work with biological agents.
Forstå hvordan man arbejder i lab
Lab journal
For information on how to order biological agents please see the following page.
When working in lab KalA0.04 and KalA0.08 never enter before getting a thorough introduction. Always wear the available blue lab coats and wash your hands when entering the lab.
Særlig tilladelse
All work with GMO are classified within four classes, ranging from one to four depended on the risk related to the organism. In our facilities only GMO class 1 are allowed. If you want to work with GMO always consult with an instructor beforehand.
After ended work your workarea must be cleaned. This requires a chemical disinfection off the workarea. All glassware used during the work must also be disinfected and afterwards placed in the biohazard mark bin before being transported to the dishwash. All waste must be managed as described below. When you are to leave the lab, the lab coat is to be put back on its hanger, and your hands must be washed.
All waste containing any sort of microorganism is considered live biological waste and most be disposed as such. In our labs this means that liquid material must be chemical disinfected before being disposed. All solid waste has to be disposed in clinical waste bins marked with a biohazard sign.
Engelsk tekst
- Link til faste øvelser
- Link til proces for projekter
Dansk tekst
- Link til faste øvelser
- Link til proces for projekter