
Credit for Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology

Academic criteria for credit transfer

Each credit assessment is an individual and academic evaluation to determine whether the documented experience and/or qualifications align with the learning goals and knowledge objectives for the degree programme components for which credit is sought.

Theoretical components of the degree programme

You can apply for credit for the theoretical components of the Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology course. Please note that when applying, documentation for other theoretical qualifications must be of equivalent scope (ECTS) and at the same level (higher education) as the subject for which you are seeking credit.

Each application is individually assessed to ensure that the documentation aligns with the learning goals and knowledge objectives for the degree components of the Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology course.

How to apply for credit 

You can apply for credit on an ongoing basis throughout the degree programme. You need to submit your application to at least eight weeks prior to the start of the module, semester, or work placement for which you wish to obtain credit.


You must fill in an application form, which you can see on the right-hand side of this page. In your application, you are required to provide justification and documentation for the components and areas where you have already reached the learning objectives. For this reason, you need to read the curriculum for the relevant subject or work placement for which you are seeking credit, and compare it with the skills you have already acquired.


Only experience and qualifications that have been properly documented will be considered in the credit assessment. It is crucial that the documentation be clear, accurate and as concise as possible If we cannot obtain a clear overview of your documentation, we can only assess the parts we understand.

We suggest using an employer’s statement as proof of work experience. You will find a template for this in the box to the right.

If you are applying for credit for previous educational elements, you should also include subject descriptions for those elements you have already completed, along with proof of completion. 

Foreign certificates must be translated into Danish or English by an authorised translator.

When can you expect a response to your application?

It typically takes around six weeks to process applications.