Where to?
Students at Absalon can go to many different destinations around the world to do an exchange (both studies and traineeship).
You should always start by talking to your international coordinator about the exchange opportunities on your specific programme. Please see the contact information on the left.
When choosing an exchange destination, we always recommend checking the official travel advice webpages. Since the Danish travel advice webpage is not available in English, we refer to the British foreign travel advice website. Alternatively, you can always contact the international office or your international coordinator, if you have doubts.
See the exchange criteria here.
Click here to see where you can go on exchange.
The Three options:
Shorter stays
- Erasmus+ Short Term Blended
- Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)
Contact us
Team International
Stephanie Wenzell AzizTeamleder - Campusansvarlig
Ida Kühn LaugesenInternational konsulent
International Coordinators
Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology
Martina KochProjektleder
Biomedical Laboratory Science
Charlotte Lerbech JensenLektor
Janne KragLektor
Christina LarsenLektor - International koordinator
Nutrition and Health
Maria Bensen JoensenLektor
Occupational Therapy
Maria Bensen JoensenLektor
Morten Nyvang JohansenLektor
Social Education
Lise Charlotte Sanders OlesenLektor
Social Work
Katherine Mørch StoneAdjunkt
Teacher Education
Dorte Læssøe IvarsenLektor - International koordinator
Merete Hull HavgaardLektor
Emergency contact
Emergency telephone number outside office hours
+45 7611 7060
This number should only be used by students on exchange or by their host, and only in case of emergencies such as serious illness, accidents etc.