
Study handbook

In this Study handbook you will find practical information about everything from parental leave to student housing. You can also read about offers of counselling in connection with e.g. well-being or study technique. 

A  B  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Adoption leave

If you want to apply for adoption leave you can read more in the section ”Parental and adoption leave” here in this Study handbook.

Application for dispensation

You have the possibility of applying for dispensation under a number of circumstances, e.g. in connection with the rule stating that you only have 3 examinations attempt or change of study or optional subjects. However, please note that a dispensation will normally require certain conditions to be present. If you need guidance regarding your possibilities of dispensation, please contact the Student Counselling or the Study Administration

When you apply for dispensation, please write the Study Administration at your study programme. You can find contact information for the study administration here

Artificial Generativ AI

Please read Absalon's guidelines regarding artificial generative intelligence and exams here


ChatGPT and Similar Tools

Please read Absalon's guidelines regarding artificial generative intelligence and exams here

Chronic illness

The consequences of a chronic or serious illness may be the need for support to get through your education. Depending on how you are affected by your illness, you have various possibilities for support. This support is called special support (SPS) and you can ready more about it here.  

If you need to report in as ill, you can read more about this in the section ”Illness lasting more than 14 days” in this Study handbook. 

Compulsory military service

You can apply for leave to comply with your compulsory military service. If you wish to do so, please fill ind this form and maill it to the Study Administration. Our contact information is here.  

Please, do not hesitate to contact the Study Administration, if you need help to fill in the form.


You can apply for credits if you can document that you have achieved comparable qualifications/learning goals for a specific subject, course or module. You can read more and find the application forms here (in Danish). 


Documentation of registration

If you need documentation for your registration at Absalon, please contact the Study Administration. You can find the contact information here. If you send us an email, please remember to send it from your student email account – this way we can make sure that we are sending the information to the right person.   

You are also welcome at the frontdesk on your campus. 


Will you be needing a dormitory room or student accommodation in one of our university towns? You can get an overview of your possibilities here


If you are dyslexic, you can transfer your IT program package to Absalon. You also have the possibility of other kinds of support to complete your education. This support is called special support (SPS) and you can ready more about it here.  

You are also welcome to follow VUC Roskilde's offer for people with dyslexia at 

·        Facebook ( (in Danish)

·        VUC’s website (


Education plans

Education plans include the most important information about your education programme. Here you can e.g. read about the content and scope of the education programme, descriptions of subjects and examinations etc.

You find the education plans for your study programme at Studienet in the menu My programme.


Are you considering to change to e-learning? This is an option on several of the study programmes at Absalon. E-learning will give you more flexibility in your everyday life, as you will yourself be planning where and when you study. However, it will require of you that you are good at working independently, that you have a high degree of self-discipline, good IT skills, and that you are happy with being on your own most of the time. You can read more about the concept of e-learning and about which of the study programmes offer e-learning here (in Danish). Here in this Study handbook you can also find good advice regarding life as a student at e-learning under the section ”Study technique”. 

If you want to change to e-learning, you must fill in this form and mail it to the Study Administration or turn it in at our Frontdesk. Our contact information is here.  

Examination complaint

If you want to complain about an examination, you must send your complaint to at the latest 14 days after you have received your examination result.


In your complaint, you must state

- your name and student number

- which examination you are complaining about

- whether it is your 1st, 2nd or 3rd examination attempt

- the examination result (mark) of your examination

- the reason for your complaint. 


You can read more about the examination rules at Absalon here

Examination marks

You can typically see your mark for an examination in WISEflow.

If you want an overview of all your marks, you can print out one from the link ”Karakter” (Examination marks) in the itslearning top menu. You need to be logged into itslearning for this.

Please note that it may take up to 14 days from the marking until the mark is registered in our IT system.

Examination rules

At Absalon we have a set of examination rules which apply to all our basic study programmes. These form the regulative basis for our examinations together with Examination Orders, curricula, module or course descriptions and the practical/administrative regulations as stipulated by the study programmes. 

You find the examination rules here


Basically, all written examinations at Absalon are carried out digitally in the Wiseflow system. You can read more about the system here. If you need extended time for your examination, due to special needs, you can apply for this. You find the form for this here in the Study handbook in the section ”Extended time for examinations”. 

If you get ill during and examination, you can read about what to do here in the Study handbook in the section ”Ill during an examination”. 

If you suffer from exam anxiety, we are standing by to provide help for you. Please contact our Student Counselling for further information. 

Extended time for examination and other special examination terms

You have the possibility of applying for special examination terms, e.g. extended time, if one or more of the following conditions apply to you:  

  • You have been granted special support (SPS).
  • You have a documented physical or mental functional impairment (temporary or permanent).
  • You have another native language than Danish.

We consider each application individually with emphasis on placing you on an equal footing with the other students at the examinations. Therefore, the special terms may differ from examination to examination.

You only need to apply for special examination terms once during your time of study. After that we will at Absalon be aware of your need of special examination terms.

You must remember to inform us, if your functional impairment ceases or changes.

We need the following documentation from you
If you have a functional impairment, you must submit documentation for a such impairment. This may e.g. be a doctor's note.

If you have been granted special support (SPS) and have submitted the relevant documentation in that connection, you do not need to submit it again.

If you have another native language than Danish, you must document your level of Danish.  

We save you information so that we can assess your examination terms for the duration of your time at the study programme.

Extended time for examinations
If you apply for extended time, you will normally be able to get more time for 

  • the preparation for oral examinations 
  • individual, written examinations lasting under 48 hours.

We do normally not grant extended time for group examinations or the actual execution of the oral examination.  

How to apply
You apply for special examination terms, incl. extended time, by filling in and sending this form to the Study Administration. 

If you need help to fill in the form, you are welcome to contact the Study Administration. You will find our contact information here


Financial and social counselling

The ”Frivilligcenter SR-Bistand” offers free, professional and independent counselling. They can help you with socio-legal counselling and debt counselling. Please find the contact information here (only in Danish).  


The Study handbook contains the following forms: 

Ansøgning om orlov, herunder barselsorlov (Application for leave, incl. parental leave)
 You find this form in the sections ”Parental and adoption leave”, ”Compulsory Military service” and ”Leave for other reasons than parental leave, adoption or compulsory military service”.  
Ansøgning om forlænget tid til prøve (Application for extended time for examination)
You find this form in the section ”Extended time for examinations”.  
Ansøgning om overflytning til e-læring eller til et andet campus på Absalon (Application for transfer to e-learning or another campus at Absalon)
You find this form in the section ”Transfer to e-learning or another campus at Absalon”.

Documentation of illness
You find this form in the section ”Illness lasting more than 14 days”.

Udmeldelse (Withdrawal)
You find this form in the section ”Withdrawal”.


Guidelines for good behaviour

A good study environment is the alpha and omega for your well-being and learning here at Absalon. This requires us to create a good culture together where we all contribute to a good and safe environment.  

Absalon has a number of values and guidelines for good behaviour to support the good study environment and create the framework for the good behaviour. These also stipulate the consequences if the guidelines are not complied with. You can read the guidelines here


Hearing impairment

You have the possibility of receiving various kinds of support to compensate for a hearing impairment. This support is called special support (SPS) and you can ready more about it here.  


If you terminate your traineeship/internship

As a student, you are entitled to be offered one work placement per traineeship/internship programme. If you terminate your traineeship/internship, it will, in principle, mean that you will be disenrolled from your study programme.   

You may apply for an exemption to transfer to another work placement if you were obliged to interrupt your traineeship/internship on account of unusual circumstances. To apply for an exemption, send an email to

If your traineeship/internship is terminated on account of conditions beyond your control (e.g. if the company providing your work placement closes), you will not be disenrolled from your study programme, but will be automatically offered a different work placement.

Ill for an examination

If you get ill for an examination, you must inform the Study Administration right away, so that they can inform your examiner that you will not be showing up for the examination.

If you do not want to lose an examination attempt, you must submit documentation of your illness to the Study Administration no later than 5 weekdays after the date of the examination. The documentation can e.g. be a doctor's note. 

Send the documentation to the Study Administration using your student email account, or deliver it to the Frontdesk at your campus. You can find contact information for the Study Administration here.  

You must pay the expenses for a possible doctor's note yourself.

Ill on a day with compulsory activities

Some study programmes require that you participate in compulsory activities or exercises to be eligible for examination. If you do not participate in a compulsory activity due to illness, it is important that you submit a doctor's note to the Study Administration. You will then be given a another option of participating in an activity and to be eligible for the examination. 

It is important that the doctor's note states that, 

  • you are the one who is ill
  • the date on which you were ill
  • the illness was such that you could not participate in the compulsory activity.  

You must pay the expenses for the doctor's note yourself.

Send the doctor's note to the Study Administration using your student email account. You can find the email addresses here. You can also deliver it to the Frontdesk at your campus.  


If you are ill for a shorter period of time, please contact your teacher to plan how you will be catching up on the neglected course material. In this way, you make sure that you are still actively studying despite your days of illness. If you are ill on a day where you have agreed to do some group work, please notify all your group members as soon as possible. Provide suggestions as to how and when you will be contributing with the work that was agreed upon.

If you are ill on a day with compulsory activities on your study programme, you can read more about what to do in the section ”Ill on a day with compulsory activities”.  

If you get ill for an examination, you can read about what to do here in the Study handbook in the section ”Ill for an examination”. 

If you are ill for more than 14 days, you can read about what you should be aware of, in the section ”Illness lasting more than 14 days” here in this Study handbook. 

Illness lasting more than 14 days

If you are ill for more than 14 days, you should contact the Study Administration or the Student Counselling. They can advise you on whether it will be a good idea for you to provide documentation of your illness by way of a doctor's note.   

 If you need to provide documentation of your illness, you must 

  • fill in this form
  • obtain documentation of your illness from your doctor.

Remember that your doctor must include the start and end date of the duration of your illness and specify that you are the one who is ill.

If you are in an internship, we recommend that you contact your internship coordinator. See contact info at Studienet under ”Min Uddannelse” (My Education).

Send the form and documentation to the Study Administration using your student email account, or deliver it to the Frontdesk at your campus. You can find contact information for the Study Administration here.  

You must pay the expenses for the doctor's note yourself.


A period of traineeship/internship comprises a variety of elements and will likely differ from one degree programme to another. To find out more about the traineeship/internship included in your particular degree programme, see this page.

If you experience any problems during your traineeship/internship, please contact your traineeship/internship supervisor or -coordinator to discuss the issue. You are also welcome to contact Absalon’s student counselling. It is crucial that you do not simply terminate your traineeship/internship if you encounter obstacles, because this could result in your being disenrolled from your study programme. To find out more about this, see the section entitled: “If you terminate your traineeship/internship”.


itslearning is Absalon's digital learning platform. At itslearning you can find your education activities, education plans and your education material, and it is also here that you communicate with your teachers and fellow students. You log into itslearning with your Absalon login at 

From itslearning you have direct access to:

  • Help where you find a step-by-step guide in using itslearning
  • Mail where you have direct access to your student email account where you will be receiving important information regarding your study programme on a regular basis.
  • The internship portal (Praktikportalen) which you will be using in connection with your internship
  • Examination marks where you can see your marks for held examinations

You can find guides to itslearning on the page IT and Support.


Loans and grants

You can find information about the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) here

Legal advice

As a student at Absalon you have access to free legal advice from a family lawyer. The legal advice will be given by email or phone. Please find the contact information here.


You can book a librarian for yourself or your study group, see more here.


Do you feel lonely? Or do you have a fellow student who is lonely? Then it is important to do something about it. At the Student Counselling we have lots of advice and experience that we would like to share with you. You can read more about this or book an appointment here


Mental functional impairment

Mental functional impairments will e.g be anxiety, depression, autism, ADHD, OCD, schizophrenia, and a bipolar disorder. If you have a mental functional impairment, you may need special support to complete your education. This support is called special support (SPS) and you can ready more about your possibilities here



Parental and adoption leave

You have the opportunity to go on parental or adoption leave.   

Before applying for leave, we recommend seeking information at  

Planning your parental and adoption leave
You yourself decide when you want your leave to start, and how long time you want it to last. You are always welcome to contact our Study Administration for guidance, but we especially recommend you to do so, if you plan to start your leave in the middle of a module, semester or internship. For contact information please consult this page.

SU (The Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme) or parental leave benefits
You might have the option of supplementary student grant rates of the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) (parental grant rates). You can read more about this here. If you do not want SU during your leave – e.g. because you are receiving parental leave benefits instead – you must remember to opt out of your ordinary student grant rates. 

If you are in a paid internship and will be receiving parental leave benefits from your internship, please contact an SU counsellor. See the contact information for the SU counsellors here

If you are a student at the Social Education study programme and in a paid internship, please see the guide with information about your possibilities at Studienet (in Danish) under "Min uddannelse" à "Pædagog" à "Praktik" à "Praktikhåndbogen" (Guide to internships) section 4 c ”Barsel” (Parental leave) (in Danish). 

How to apply for leave
You apply for parental and adoption leave by filling in this form. Please mail it to the Study Administration using your student mail account. Remember to attach a digital copy of your medical record, your child's birth certificate or adoption papers. 

If you need help to fill in the form, you are welcome to contact the Study Administration. You can see our contact information here.


Are you a perfectionist, and would you like to talk about how to handle this? Then you are welcome to book an appointment with your student counsellor here

Physical impairment

If you have a physical impairment, there are a number of support options available. This may e.g. by ergonomic furniture, an IT start package, or practical help. This support is called special support (SPS) and you can ready more about it here.  


Do you have a tendency towards procrastination, then the Student Counselling is standing by with some good advice for you. You can read more about the Student Counselling and book an appointment here

Psychological help

If you need to talk to a psychologist, you have as a student at Absalon access to free psychological help as part of the Student Counselling. You can read more and find contact information here. You are also welcome to book an appointment with your student counsellor here



“Sabbatical” refers to all leave not attributable to childbirth, adoption, illness or national service.

If you are considering taking a sabbatical, it may be a good idea to discuss your thoughts with your student adviser before submitting your application. The reason for this is that, depending on your underlying reasons for seeking a sabbatical, there may be other options open to you.

If you are in Denmark on a study permit, you should be aware that you risk losing your entitlement to it if you take a sabbatical, because you would not be actively studying while on leave. If you do apply for a sabbatical, you are obliged to inform the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR).

When can I take a sabbatical, and for how long?

You cannot apply for a sabbatical until you have passed all examinations in the first year of your degree programme.

Unless stated otherwise in your study programme, you may take a sabbatical for a maximum of 12 months.

These 12 months may be divided over one or two sabbatical periods, and you may only take leave from complete modules, semesters or years of study.

If taking a sabbatical would mean that you will exceed the deadline for completing your degree, you will not be granted leave.

In exceptional circumstances, however, you can apply for exemption from the standard rules concerning sabbaticals. For additional information about what constitutes “exceptional circumstances”, click here (in danish).  

When can I apply for a sabbatical?

If you want your sabbatical to commence on 1 September, you need to submit your application for same no later than 1 June.

If you want your sabbatical to commence on 1 February, you need to submit your application no later than 1 December.  

You cannot be granted a sabbatical retrospectively.

What should I be aware of in connection with a sabbatical?

If you apply for a sabbatical, you need to be aware that

  • you are not entitled to a student grant (SU) during your sabbatical
  • your fribeløb (the amount you are allowed to earn while receiving educational grant (SU)) will be set at the medium level. To see the rates, click here (in Danish)
  • you may not be registered for a different full-time course of education during your sabbatical
  • your sabbatical is included in the deadline for completing your degree programme
  • you will be subject to the prevailing study programme when you return from your sabbatical
  • no later than 14 days before the end of your sabbatical, you must inform the Study Administration as to whether or not you will be returning to your degree programme.

Remember that you are obliged to return immediately to your degree programme once your sabbatical comes to an end.

How can I apply for a sabbatical?

To apply for a sabbatical, you need to complete and return this form. You must also have your University College Absalon login at hand if you have not already logged onto our systems. 

If you need assistance in filling out the form, please contact the Study Administration. You will find our contact details here

What do I do if I want to interrupt my sabbatical?

You can interrupt your sabbatical after you have been on leave for at least one month.

To do so, you must write to the Study Administration at least one week before you wish to return to your degree programme. You will find our contact details here

University College Absalon’s rules regarding leave

For an overview of University College Absalon’s rules regarding leave, click here (in danish).


Are you showing signs of stress? Then it is important to do something about it. The Student Counselling can help you and has much good advice to offer. You are welcome to book an appointment with your student counsellor here

Student accommodation

Will you be needing a dormitory room or student accommodation in one of our university towns? You can get an overview of your possibilities here

Student Counselling

At the Student Counselling, we know your study programme and the possibilities for help and support, so that you can get through your study programme in the best possible way. We know about the challenges you may experience as a student. The Student Counselling can e.g. advice and counsel you on

  • your well-being at your study programme
  • good study habits
  • study planning (leave, illness etc.)
  • exam nervousness
  • special support (SPS – Specialpædagogisk Støtte). 

You are always welcome at the Student Counselling if you need advice or counselling. At our webpage you can find a lot of very useful information and good advice on how to get the best possible life as a student. 

You can write us at or call us at 7248 1010. Our phones are open

  • Monday and Tuesday 9:00-11:30
  • Thursday 9:30-11:30 and 13:00-15:00 

If you need a personal meeting with us, you can book an appointment with us here (Danish). You are also welcome to come by when the Student Counselling is open at your campus. You can find our opening hours by clicking here and go to your campus in the right-hand menu. 

The student counsellor is under obligation to maintain confidentiality.

Study groups

A well-functioning study group is priceless. The Student Counselling has collected various pieces of good advice for working in study groups. You can read about the Student Counselling here

Study technique

Good study techniques can save you time and increase your learning outcome. The Student Counselling is ready to help improve your study technique. Read about the Student Counselling here


At University College Absalon we wish to maintain an environment where neither students nor employees begin to smoke while they are at Absalon. Smoke-free environments help to make freedom from smoke the norm, so that fewer people begin to smoke, and those who wish to quit smoking find it easier.

Smoke-free campuses mean there must be no smoking on University College Absalon premises, including any use of tobacco or products similar to tobacco (such as E-cigarettes, chewing tobacco and snuff), with the exception of approved medical products for stopping smoking.

The smoking policy applies to everyone on University College Absalon premises, which means students, employees, participants on courses, visitors, suppliers and others.

We want University College Absalon to be a well-liked and considerate neighbour, and we therefore ask all students, employees and visitors to support this ambition and find solutions which do not inconvenience our neighbours or harm University College Absalon’s reputation.

SU (the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme)

You can find information about the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) here. 


The "UC-viden" portal

Students at University College Absalon register their bachelor projects at the student portal on the "UC Viden" portal.

Log into "UC-viden" here


Please refer to the section entitled “Internship” for further information. 

Transfer to another university college

You can apply for transfer to another university college when you have passed examinations corresponding to the first your of study at the university college that you wish to transfer to. You can apply for dispensation to this rule, if there are special conditions in favour of such a transfer. Your application for dispensation must be sent from your student email account to the Study Administration at Absalon. Please see the contact information here.  

You must yourself find out whether there are any free places at the university college, you wish to be transferred to. It will also be here that you must apply for transfer. The various university colleges may have different transfer procedures, however, you will always be required to submit documentation for your course of study, typically by means of updated records from your study. You get the documentation by writing to the Study Administration here at Absalon. You can see the contact information here. Please remember to write from your student email account – this way we can make sure that we are sending the information to the right person.    

Transfer to e-learning or another campus at Absalon

Du you want to continue studying the same programme, but as e-learning or on another campus at Absalon? Then you must apply for transfer.

You can ask to be transferred, if 

  • you have passed the first module or the first semester (if you are at the Social Work study programme you must however have passed both the 1st and 2nd module)
  • there are free places at the relevant module/semester at the campus you wish to transfer to
  • there are at least two weeks until the next module or semester starts at the campus you wish to transfer to. 

You apply for transfer by filling in and sending this form. Mail it to the Study Administration using your student mail account.  

If you need help to fill in the form, you are welcome to contact the Study Administration. You can see our contact information here.

If you apply for transfer just before the start of an internship period, you may for practical reasons have to complete the internship period as part of your present campus. The reason for this is that it is not always possible to get an internship with short notice at the campus you wish to transfer to. When the internship has been completed, you can start up at your new campus. 

SU (The Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme) and the youth card
You do not need to apply for SU again just because you transfer to another campus. You must however apply for a new youth card for your new campus. You can ready more about the youth card here (choose English at the top right). 

Do you want to study another programme?
If you want to study another programme at Absalon, you must apply for admission at


Visual impairment

You have the possibility of receiving various kinds of support to compensate for a visual impairment. The support is called special support (SPS). You can read more about your possibilities here



We learn best when we thrive. The Student Counselling can offer you various pieces of good advice regarding well-being at your study programme. You are welcome to book an appointment with your student counsellor here


Wiseflow is a digital platform for handing in assignments and is generally used for all written examinations at Absalon. You can find help and guides for the system here


Are you having thoughts about withdrawing from your study programme? Then it may be a good idea to contact the Student Counselling. We have many years of experience regarding the thoughts and considerations you may have as a student, and we are therefore able to advice and counsel you on any doubts you may have about your study programme, and inform you about the possibilities for support in connection with your education. You can see how you can contact us here.  

If you know for certain that you want to withdraw, you must fill in and submit this form. Mail it to the Study Administration using your student mail account.  

If you need help to fill in the form, you are welcome to contact the Study Administration. You can see our contact information here.  

If you need counselling regarding the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) before the withdrawal from your study programme, please contact the SU counsellors at Absalon. You can find their contact information here.


Youth card

As a student you have the possibility of getting a youth card with which you can obtain discounts on public transport between you destination and official residence. You can read more about this here