
Study jobs

When Absalon get information regarding a study job we will send an email to the students and put it op here for application.

Missing a study job, check the different job portals, like: Jobnet, Jobindex, jobteaser or …..

Ask directly in some of the shops in town. The grocery shops typically use extra personell from time to time and the gas stations as well.

From time to time we have positions at Campus and they will come out by mail, but you can also ask

Need help contact Majbrit Wigø Madsen,, Phone 72482044.

Student Ambassador in IDA at Absalon Campus Kalundborg

Som Studieambassadør i IDA kommer du til at være IDAs ansigt udadtil på Absalon Campus Kalundborg og møder de studerende i deres hverdag. Du bliver en del af et helt nyopstartet Team, med andre studerende fra Absalon Kalundborg.

Krav: For at søge jobbet er det et krav, at du er studerende på Absalon Kalundborg og har minimum 2 år tilbage på din uddannelse.

Mere info: Link

Study job Novozymes


Input for summer job

The Roskilde Festival always need a lot of helpers, see more here: link


Foodtruck - Student job Summer 2024


Number of employees desired: 2

Form of employment: Temporary

Period: week 24-34

Meeting time: Monday - Thursday 06.30 - 08.00, 5-7 hours per week

Language: Danish and/or English

Work assignments: Make and sell sandwiches, coffee and cake. Training will take place

Contact the employer if you want to apply: 


Send a concise email about why you would like to work there to: att. Søren

Everyone who applies will be called by Søren for a short chat before a possible invitation to an interview.




Cafe Forsinket Jyderup


Cafe Forsinket is looking for service minded part-time workers.

You can find the job description on Facebook: Ledige Job Holbæk Kommune

and read about the Cafe : and on Facebook: Cafe Forsinket Jyderup


Send an application with photo to marked: Serving