
Internship during bachelor of engineering in biotechnology program

The sixth term of your studies is designated to an internship at an engineering company. Besides getting practical insight into the work as an engineer you will also typically receive a trainee salary but it is not guaranteed.

The internship period

During the internship, you will gain practical engineering experience with biotechnological methods, tools, procedures and workflows for a specific project.


The internship goal is to:

  • reflect on and use theoretical knowledge in solving practical engineering tasks

  • acquire good work habits, develop collaborative skills and a sense of coherence via direct involvement in engineering tasks

  • get motivated to take an engineer perception and approach in courses and projects during remaining part of your studies.

Companies are responsible for the daily internship guidance and supervision, though it is supplemented and coordinated with internship mentors from University College Absalon.

Agreements regarding remuneration are made solely between you and a company. The main principle is that the company will pay you a trainee salary, however if you receive governmental support (SU) it will be stopped during the period of your internship. You are not guaranteed a salary during your internship.

IDA (The Danish Society of Engineers) and Student Council have established indicative minimum wages for engineering internships.

In 2021 the indicative trainee salary is 15,000 DKK (around 2,000 EUR before taxes).


Internship Report


It is your responsibility to find an internship.

There is a ‘onepager’ that you can use to explain to the company what is required to have an intern.

It is your responsibility to prepare an Absalon contract (template).

An info meeting about internships will be held in September for those interested and will be part of the schedule.

If you have any questions, please contact the course coordinator: Majbrit,

Intership at Matis (Iceland)

If you are interested in Matís (Iceland) contact Marta Gall Jörgensen at, they will not be a part of the match making event.

Company information