Annual plan
Each semester consists of 13 weeks of teaching, an exam period, and after this a 3-week period with time to go into depth with e.g. a specific subject, project/lab work or exams.
The autumn semester begins ca. September 1 and the spring semester ca. February 1, depending on the calendar. After the 13 weeks of teaching there will be a teaching free period, and after this an exam period of around 2 weeks. Saturdays are included in the exam period. The additional 3-week period begins right after the exam period. Every 13-week period is interrupted by a teaching-free week, week 42 and Easter, respectively.
As a starting point, the 3-week periods do not run as individual course sessions, but will be coupled to one or more courses from within the preceding 13-week period. This depends on the individual semester.
Courses of 5 ECTS will correspond to approximately 4 lectures of teaching per week within the 13-week periods. When a semester represents a total of 30 ECTS, one should expect around 24 planned lectures per week. On top of this, there will be additional time to be used for preparations, assignments, and project work.
Be aware that changes may occur to the plans.