
When going for a study or traineeship outside of Denmark, you need to check up on your insurance. It is your own responsibility to make sure you have the right coverage.
If you have questions you are always welcome to contact your international coordinator.
If you have the yellow health insurance card valid in Denmark, please note is does not cover you outside of Denmark. When travelling within the EU you need at least to have the blue EU-health insurance card. It is valid for up to one year within the EU, in Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Switzerland. Please note, the EU Health Insurance card is not an alternative to travel insurance.
Please notice that rules might change – please follow this development carefully.
You also need to make sure you have the right travel insurance, and that it covers you for studies or traineeships, not just holiday trips. In addition, make sure your insurance covers you for the entire exchange period. The travel insurance must among other things cover repatriation (transport home).
If you are travelling outside of Europe, you must remember to send proof of a valid travel insurance which also covers repatriation. This must be sent prior to departure to the International Office,
Lastly, you need to have an accident insurance.
Important information for Erasmus stays
Please read more here in regards to insurance for Erasmus traineeships.
Please read more here in regards to insurance for Erasmus studies.