Professional collaboration practice

As a student in a study group, you train professional collaboration, and you become more professional in your subject matter. The study group functions is a shared learning space in your education programme. You develop your professionalism and train your collaborative competencies, which you will use in your profession after you have graduated.
Now and then there will be study groups that needs help to solve issues or problems in their collaboration.
It is known that it does not take much for disagreement and arguing before people actually leave their educational programme. It is therefore in everyone’s best interests that Absalon helps and provide systematic and professional support.
Absalon’s support for study groups experiencing difficulties:
- For all study groups who have participated in the study group course, we provide support to ensure professional collaboration practice in the study group within an already known and set framework.
- Your study group will be offered up to two interviews. The first interview can take up to an hour. A possible second interview may be held where the study group and the relevant professionals come to an agreement. This interview typically takes place 2-3 weeks after the first interview.
- It will be a professional with competencies in supporting study groups who will lead the interviews. The interviews will take place on the basis of set and known frameworks. Everyone knows beforehand the rules of the meeting, which provides security and frees energy for finding a collaboration practice that everyone can be satisfied with.
- The study groups can book a time for help as required and/or agree a process with a moderator via the portal Studienet.
- The moderator will during or after the interviews, determine whether a study group can continue, and/or whether there are students who are not prepared to be in the group. The moderator looks at, e.g. whether the participants have met the minimum requirements for participation in study groups and the collaboration agreement to assess whether the group shall be disbanded.
- All members of a study group, participate as much as possible in the interviews about the group’s difficulties.
Book a interview with your moderator
The study group can book time for help and conversation via the link in the right-hand menu on this page. All members of a study group must participate (if possible) in the conversations about the group's difficulties.