
Student Council

The Student Council (SC) is made up of students and works to improve conditions for students at the University College Absalon degree locations.

The Student Council consists of a central leadership as well as local student councils on each campus.

The Student Council is a forum where University College Absalon students can come together formally to discuss student life and the quality of the degree programmes a University College Absalon courses, and to share ideas about how to enhance the study environment.

Student Council resources

Every year, the Student Council at University College Absalon receives funding which can be used to organise both academic and social events, support projects and purchase equipment to enhance the study environment. 

What Student Council funds can be used for

  • Academic and social events (e.g. semester-start parties, sports events, lectures, comedy nights, bingo, Christmas gatherings).
  • Purchasing equipment intended to improve the study environment (e.g. board games for Friday café gatherings).

What Student Council funds cannot be used for

  • Alcohol for Friday bars and for events in general.
  • Gift vouchers or cash grants for Friday bars or associations
  • Employees and former students

Sdr Stationsvej 30, DK-4200 Slagelse, and that the delivery address stated is a University College Absalon address; VAT cannot be reimbursed otherwise.

NB: If the campus manager and Louise Dyhre Helles, the Student Life Coordinator responsible for the Student Councils,, have not received and approved an application for the use of funds, reimbursement will not be processed.



Student Council resources

HolbækDKK. 27.989,31
KalundborgDKK. 29.300,99
Nykøbing FDKK. 42.596,56
NæstvedDKK. 49.632,00
RoskildeDKK. 112.443,48
SlagelseDKK. 67.518,52
VordingborgDKK. 43.789,07

The Chair

The Role of the Joint Student Council

The responsibilities are shared between a chair and a vice-chair and principally involve:

  • Organising and coordinating the University College Absalon’s major events and other pan-campus activities.
  • Supporting local chairs and ensuring knowledge sharing among them.
  • Acting as a communication link and gateway to University College Absalon’s management, including attending quarterly and Executive Board meetings.
  • Working closely with University College Absalon’s shared functions, such as Facility Service
  • Contributing to ensuring efficient handover and documentation of the Student Council’s work, functions, and activities.
  • Participating in the activities of the OPS (the Association of Student Councils at University Colleges), including attending four council chair weekends per year. 
  • This role provides excellent networking opportunities within and across University College Absalon’s student body and with management. It also provides perfect conditions for personal growth, enhancing your abilities in relation to working relationships, coordination, reporting, communication and management, as well as in turning ideas into reality.

This position is remunerated at a fixed rate for six hours per week, in accordance with the student tariff. Task allocation between the chair and vice-chair is determined by the current leadership team, with the chair having the casting vote in the event of disagreement. The Joint Student Council is supported and developed by the Student Life Coordinator, with whom it also works closely.

In the election year 2023, the Joint Student Council is dormant and enquiries should be directed to Louise Dyhre Helles, Communication Consultant and Student Life Coordinator and communications consultant

During active election years, the Joint Student Council can be reached at

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local student council – every campus has one.



Student Council

The role of student representatives on the Board of Directors

Primarily involves ensuring the students’ perspective is represented in a board comprising appointed representatives from local authorities, regions, trade unions, etc. as well as two staff representatives.

This work consists of attending University College Absalon board meetings (four annual meetings plus two seminars), where – as the title suggests – your primary role is to represent the students. As such, you are to represent not only your own campus or degree programme, but all students at University College Absalon.

Representing all students and working to safeguard their best interests is a major responsibility. As a representative on the board, it is therefore crucial be inquisitive about and attentive to the diverse opinions, wishes and challenges encountered in the academic environment. This approach will enable you to advocate effectively for as many students as possible.

As a student representative, you have a tangible influence and your voice is heard. You do not need extensive prior knowledge of finance or management, as high emphasis is placed on induction and support.

It is worthwhile to advocate for increased focus on the students’ perspectives and their opinions on both the positive and the negative aspects of their degree programmes. One of the primary responsibilities is thus to ensure that the students’ issues are communicated effectively, and as a representative you are their voice and spokesperson to the Board of Directors.

Participating on the Board of Directors not only constitutes a significant entry on your CV, but also helps you build a network and gain valuable and useful insight into what it means to govern a large and diverse institution such as University College Absalon.

The students have two representatives on the University College Absalon Board of Directors. These student representatives are elected by and from among their peers.



The Local Student Councils

The roles of the Local Student Council chair primarily comprise:

  • Communicating and coordinating with members of the local student council on their own campus, as well as with councils at other campuses and the central student council.
  • Responsibility for liaising with the campus management, Facility Service, and other student organisations, both within their own campus and potentially across others.
  • Organising general meetings and planning various ongoing meetings.
  • Taking charge of agenda items for regular local student council meetings on campus.
  • Overseeing SoMe in relation to events and other communication.
  • Providing for a financial officer to oversee administration of the funds allocated to the local SC by University College Absalon each year – including budgeting, scheduling and securing approval for fund usage.
  • Attending meetings with the University College Absalon management as and when necessary; for example, all council chairs participated in ongoing status meetings with senior management during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • The division of tasks between the chair and vice chair varies from one campus to the next; some split the tasks to a great extent, while others share all responsibilities. 

The roles of the Local Student Council members primarily comprise:

  • Generating ideas for social and academic events for students
  • Generating ideas in relation to the use of funds
  • Participating in ordinary and coordinating meetings and activities
  • Tasks will always be carried out in cooperation with the local chair/deputy chair

For everyone involved in the University College Absalon Student Council – chairs and members alike – the principal task is to foster a vibrant study environment for students!

Holbæk Student Council

You can contact the Student Council in Holbæk at 

Chair: Alpha Nicklas Nicklas Valentine Nielsen

Kalundborg Student Council

You can contact the Student Council in Kalundborg at 

Chair: Maria Jose Pachon Fuentes 

Vice-chair: Andra-Cristiana Carata 

Næstved Student Council

You can contact the Student Council in Næstved  

Chair: Johan Søgaard

Nykøbing Student Council

You can contact the Student Council in Nykø 

Chair: Mads Jeff Andersen

Vice-chair: Andreas Trane Petersen

Roskilde Student Council

You can contact the Student Council in Roskilde 

Chair: Anna-Bell Wijitra Dalby Chintanathum Betzer 

Vice-chair: Vanessa Ginnerskov Elmer Christensen 

Slagelse Student Council

You can contact the Student Council in Slagelse 

Chair: Martin Hjermitslev

Vordinborg Student Council

You can contact the Student Council in Vordingborg at: 

Chair: Michelle Hvolgaard Meltofte

Got an event or a news story?

You can email it to the Student Council to have it posted on Studienet. 

Make sure to write in plain language and to include the campus and date and, if possible, attach an image.

Visit the Student Council on Facebook