
International Honours Degree in Teaching

Teaching studies

Welcome to the study network for the International Honours Degree in Teaching

The study network contains information about teacher training. Here you can find, among other things, information about the structure and content of the education, study plans, internships, and test plans as well as contact information for the teacher education.

In August 2023, we have a new teacher executive order. This means that there are currently two parallel teacher training courses: Teacher training 2023 (LU23) and Teacher training from 2013 (LU13).

The study network will show which information/documents apply to LU23 and LU13.

If you have any doubts about what applies to your course of study, you are welcome to contact us or a study advisor.

We encourage you to check the study network regularly, as new information and changes are added continuously.

In order to graduate with honours you must

1.       Pass the Honours exam within the first semester

2.       Study 270 ECTS with 3 teaching subjects and special honours subjects

3.       Spend one semester studying abroad or have a teaching experience abroad

4.       Graduate within 4 years of study